Wednesday 26 September 2007

Smiling out loud

You are both right of course, there should be happiness in these bloggings too. Fine.

So I am back here to say despite the flu, hormones, and illnesses I am happy. I do miss the people I used to hang out with sometimes, but it's for the best I guess.

It is nice to have a stable partner though, and whilst we are learning about each other and have our ups and downs it is mostly ups.

Work is also going well right now and I am actually enjoying it- some days.

Music is on hold, which I am kinda sad about but some things take prescedence.

Like sock-monkeys for instance. I love sock monkeys. When(if) I have children I am SO going to make them sock monkeys :) And why is it the word monkey is sooo pleasing?? Ah well the mysteries of life eh? ;)

Why is life always about building to the future, and not about living with what you have now? It's always.. one day...but what about TODAY???

Wednesday 5 September 2007

Busy living

Sometimes the observations I have go by unwritten. This is because I am busy living. I would rather experience than write about, but sometimes I do both.

You know I don't write when I am happy. Well right now I am happy, not quite content, but none the less satisfied. Things are going ok. I still feel like crap with my stomach, but it's ok. Still looking for a new job, new home etc etc. Some things never change.

But living on the outside looking in at life is never very satisfying. So if you wonder where I am. I am out there. Busy living.